Donna Mousley
The most important criteria for me in choose a driving instructor was that there be mutual respect between the instructor and I.
Other factors that were important to me when choosing my Driving Instructor was that the instructor was very competent and able to give instruction in a way that responded to the way that I learned best.
How did learning to drive compare to what I expected?
I was very pleasantly surprised. When I took my lessons, I had already been driving for over 40 years. I learned A lot! And I became conscientious and attentive to the road and my environment in a way I simply wasn’t before. I would say I’m a much safer and more competent driver than I ever was.
How did you find your instructors’ teaching methods.
What I appreciated was that Jerry gave me several suggestions for ways of learning that might work for me. These included observing him driving, to providing commentary on my own driving, to watching video, and recording and watching my own video. It quickly became apparent which method was most beneficial for me. I appreciated Jerry’s willingness to follow the method I wanted, but also his sensitive coaching when he felt strongly that other approaches might be of particular benefit.
Would i recommend this driving school why?
Absolutely. There can be no higher recommendation than that I recommended that both my children take lessons from Jerry’s School of driving. I am clear that the instructor was highly competent as a driver, but also particularly able as an instructor, in understanding the best way to have me learn. Jerry practiced the perfect balance between being uncompromisingly straight with me when that was required, and giving me room to make mistakes. I always felt encouraged as well as challenged. I believe I got driving instruction of the highest calibre.